
It was nice and warm this morning but it's getting colder and colder. Today I have done 2 sessions of English study but I have been easily distracted by my thoughts, which rarely happens to me. There are a lot of things I'd love to do, for example I want to make new entries on my Japanese blog, to work on writing draft of my English learning method and to study English by a different approach and more! I am so pumped up that I find it difficult to concentrate on one thing!!

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2 Response to "英語でつぶやき:やりたいことが多すぎて集中できない!"

  1. ふぅみん, on 16 June 2010 at 14:41 said:

    I can relate to you. There are too many things on my wish list, on top of my to-do list - which is already full.

    How's your Gori chan today?
    I've been fluey for over a week now but it's not bad enough to stay in bed. It's just that it's hard to shake off.

    Looking forward to read your next entry. :)

  2. YUKI, on 17 June 2010 at 21:00 said:

    Dear, ふぅみんsan.

    Oh, you do have lots to do, too!?
    Well, when we've got a lot to do, we have to prioritize those we want to & we have to do, don't we? Now my priority is English and becoming fitter. I want to study English as much as I can and be fitter while I've some free time because I think I will be busy in the latter half of this year.

    Oh you've got a flu, too? I hope you are feeling better now. As for Gori chan, he got sicker about 2 days ago but he is much better now. I hope he gets over it completely soon. Thank you so much for caring about him(^^)