I had my Mum's English lesson (1/30)

I had my Mum's English lesson this morning. We covered interrogative pronouns such as what, when, who, and how etc. I have been teaching her English for a while but I can definitely tell that her English is improving. She can't speak much yet but she understands what I am asking with less effort (×efforts) and she answers (×to) my questions with more confidence. I am going to teach her basic grammar to the level that junior high school students learn for 3 years. Then here comes the (×a) fun part. We are going to train speaking by listening and repeating useful English sentences, which will (×could) boost her English fluency!

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

effortの用法!記事のeffort は努力というエネルギーなしで質問に答えると言う意味なので不加算名詞扱いとなり複数形は×。でも努力をするとか励むと言う意味では努力する事(attempt)を何度も繰り返すということになるので加算名詞となる(例 You need to make an effort to pass the exam. His efforts to lose weight haven't been very successful.)

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I''ve finished reading the book!

I've finally finished reading the share-trading book ( Stan Weinstein's Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets.)! It took me a looong time to finish it off but it's OK because it's worth way more than the time I spent on it. The book is very informative, educational and extremely useful. It has given me a real insight into share-trading and a lot of information and strategies in order to become a winner in the market. I am going to sum up the important rules he pointed out and apply them in my trading.

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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Movie' Changeling' (1/29)

Morning. Last night Gori and I watched a movie called ' Changeling', which one of his co-workers strongly recommended (×us to watch) . It starred Angelina Jolie(×It was starred by Angelina Jolie )and was directed by Clint Eastwood. I am not going to tell you it's detailed story but it was a really good and compelling movie based on a true story of a single mother back in 1928. You may experience a lot of mixed feelings when you watch this movie, which could be a strong disgust and hatred, absolute fear and horror and a sense of justice as well as (×and) a little bit of relief. Angelina was very thin in this movie so I found her less attractive this time but she pulled off an (×a) outstanding performance.

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

〔映画などが俳優を〕主役として使う、〔演劇や映画で〕主役を演じる *star in~で主役を演じる a starring role:主役

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Yesterday's Skype session.(1/28)

Morning. I attended another Skype English session yesterday and I had a very good time! My head was much clearer and more active so I was very happy about it. We had a bit of a discussion, the (×whose) topic was ' Is it essential to learn grammar when you learn and master a language?' This is a profound question for language learners. I was the one who brought this up and I did that without any previous notice. So honestly I was a bit worried if I might have dragged the other members into trouble (^^;) But I could really use other language learners' opinions so I took the plunge. Anyway we had a lively discussion and I feel I have come to my conclusion about this topic.

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

whose の関係代名詞の非制限用法(そしてその人の~)は人のみに使える。

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I was a bit acting wild like a small kid (1/27)

Morning. Yesterday Gori and I went up to his mum and dad's house to have a swim in their swimming pool. I hadn't swum since when I was 14 so I was wondering if I still remembered how to swim. When I stepped into the swimming pool, a very funny feeling came over me and I don't know why but I couldn't stop laughing! I was a bit acting wild (×I was a bit going wild acting) like a small kid but that's what I needed! Having said that I got a bit carried away and soon after that my throat got pretty sore and felt a bit sick. But I had (×a)fun and I felt refreshed! As for swimming, Yes, I could swim!

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

fun は不加算名詞なのでaはつかない!

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Australia day (1/26)

Morning. Yesterday Gori and I went to his mum and dad's house and played darts. It was fun! I beat him twice!( Gori gave me a big handicap though^^;) Today is a national holiday called Australia day. It's a national foundation day and seems like they designated this day as national foundation day based on the time when British immigrants ( most of them were prisoners) landed Australia back in 1788, which has not been taken very kindly by Aborigines, who have been inhabiting (×in) this continent since around fifty to sixty thousand years ago. Anyway, I wonder what I want to do today. Oh yes! I'd love to have a swim in the afternoon!

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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I wonder if I can talk him into it.(1/25)

Well, I really like my timetable (×time table) system but I have to admit that I am kind of getting into a rut. I have been using this system for about 2 weeks. It's working very well but I need to do something different, something away from studying, something fun and exciting!! I feel like playing ping-pong and darts at Gori's mum and dad's place or playing some card games for a change. Gori's teaching job restarted today so he might come back tired. I wonder if I can talk him into it.

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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My allergy symptoms are worse these days.

My allergy symptoms are worse these days. Is that because of walking? I hope not. Maybe it's (×that's) happening due to the direction of the wind. Pollen (×Pollens) is (×are) coming inside through the screen door, I guess. I should keep closing the thick door but if I do that, my dogs might feel isolated and sad. By the way, Mick is watching me very intensely through the screen door now. He wants to play with his ball.

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

pollen は不可算名詞!

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I'm concerned about Mick's cuts

Mick has been quiet. Is that because of the heat or is he in pain(×he is in pain?) I am a little worried about him. I thought he had a cut on his thigh but actually there are two.. Gori has been away from home so I haven't been able to do anything for him...Since his cuts look pretty bad, we might need to take him to the vet... One of the cuts is (×are) pretty deep and the flesh (×fresh) is exposed so I think he might need some stitches..Anyway I have to wait until Gori comes back home and see what he thinks about it.

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

one of them~のミスは痛い(^^;)flesh は『肉』、freshは『新鮮な』やし(^^;)気をつけましょう!

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Oh- my body is a bit stiff!

I walked for 5 km on the treadmill yesterday so my body is a bit stiff and sore. My head is fuzzy too. I'm tired, aren't I? Gori is coming back from Brisbane around lunch time. He went there last Friday to learn about gas-fitting from one of his mates, who is a plumber. Oh boy, I am getting hungry.

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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My timetable system is working so well!(1/24)

Morning. I am pretty happy this morning because I studied English for more than 6 hours yesterday! This includes reading a share trading book and articles on technical analysis(×but they are both written in English). My timetable system is working really (×so) well! I'm glad that I've incorporated this into my life. My ordinary life has became more lively and much more rewarding (×one)!

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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Wish me luck! (1/23)

Morning. It was a bit difficult to sleep last night. I kept sneezing, my nose was running and what's more, our (×my) dogs were barking at the cows at 4 am! Come on, dogs! I hope these symptoms didn't come from walking on the treadmill yesterday. I restarted treadmilling two days ago. I did 3.5 km for 50 minutes yesterday. Recently I've noticed this dreadful reality...that is..my pants are getting tighter! Oh no, I'm in trouble! I have to put more energy into exercising!

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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Mick is injured.

Mick has been a bit edgy since this morning. I was just sitting next to him, patting his body and suddenly he started to groan. I didn't know why he did that at first but when I had a close look at him, I found that he's got a pretty big cut near his thigh. I wonder how he got it.
I hope he is going to be OK soon.

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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I am doing well today.

I am doing well today. I made a timetable for today and so far I am keeping up with it. Next session is English. I am going to do some research on the next discussion topic.

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It was a bit of a disaster (01/22)

Morning. I joined another Skype English session yesterday. It was a bit of a disaster for me. Due to the hey fever, my head was cloudy so I couldn't think. I just uttered words which popped up in my head so honestly there were many times when I wasn't even sure what I was saying (^^;) I feel better today so I will try my best!

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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I feel much better this morning.(01/20)

Morning. I did some research on hey fever last night and learned some helpful ways to cope with the nasty symptoms. Thanks to them, I feel much better this morning. My head is much clearer so I feel more active and motivated. There are a lot of things that I want to do or that I have let slide because of the allergy. I wonder how many of them I can do today.

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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I will take it easy today. (01/19)

Morning. It's pretty hot today. I am still feeling weak. My head is hazy, my eyes are itchy and puffy, and my throat is weird. I want to do some walking on the treadmill but I don't think that's good for my allergy. But do you think it's worth trying it? What if I turn the aircon on and walk in the cool room? Does that help? Anyway, I will take it easy today.

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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I had a good time yesterday,,,but today...(01/18)

Hello. As I said in the previous blog, one of my friends came over to see Gori and me yesterday. We played monopoly and then went up to Gori's mum and dad's place to play pong-pong and darts. After that we came back and had the rolled cake I baked. She and I also had a girls' chit-chat, which I had missed for a long time. I had a very good time but I must admit that I got carried away a bit. Today I feel very tired and my allergy symptoms are worse so I really don't feel like doing anything even though there are lots of things I have to do...

* This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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She is such a good company. '1/17)

Morning! Today one of my few Japanese friends in town is(×are) coming over to hang around with Gori and me. She is a working holiday maker, who has been in Gympie for about 6 months, working at the sushi bar I used to work. She is going to quit the job and leave town very soon. It's going to be very sad not to have her around because she is such (×a) good company.... Anyway I am going to bake a cake for her(^^) I hope she enjoys the visit and also the cake!

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

be動詞のケアレスミスは赤っ恥(^^;)ブログをアップする前にしっかりチェックしましょう!she is good company. は she is fun to talk to.の意味でcompany の前には冠詞はつかない!

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Take away fish and chips

Gori and I had take-away fish and chips for lunch. It was yummy but not as delicious as the last one. Our cod was a bit overcooked. By the way, which type of deep-fried fish do you prefer, battered one or crumbed (×one)? I like the former better than the latter! Oh~ I might have eaten a tad too much(^^;)

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

which type of deep-fried fish do you prefer, battered one or crumbed (×one)? よりWhich way do you prefer your fish, battered or crumbed?がベター。

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I wish I could read faster!

I've been reading a very helpful trading book for the last few days. The book is sooo good. (×so) I really want to finish reading it today and put all the methods I've learned into practise. Having said that since it's a pretty thick book (350pages) and I am reading slowly, digesting the contents so it will take a little longer ( ×more days), which is a bit frustrating!

*This entry has been corrected by Gori.

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My irritable allergic reactions are calming down.(1/16)

My irritable allergic reactions are calming down because I took some medicine. But still I try not to go outside. I think I should be OK as long as I keep taking this medicine, which I am unwilling to do.

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I bet he will get knackered.

Gori has been working on fixing his racer bike. Seems like he's going to go for a bike-riding this afternoon. He hasn't done that for a while so I bet he will get knackered. I want to do some walking this afternoon, too but if I am going to do that, I'd better do it on the treadmill, not going for a walk.

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I should have known better.

Oh boy, I've hung the washing outside at the back, where the flowers are blooming, producing tons of pollen! I should have known better. I'd better take it in with my mask on and shake it out to get rid of the pollen.

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Pollen allergy.(1/15)

Gori and I went to town to get some groceries this morning and came back around 11:00. I got extremely tired so I had a nap. After the nap, I was alright but soon I got tired and weak again. I have been suffering from some allergic reactions such as itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing. I've also developed sore throat too. Those symptoms themselves are not so severe but since there has been inflammation going on inside my body, I feel weak and tired. Come to think of it, looking around the house, I can see that a lots of flowers are thriving in the full bloom so no wonder I've got it. Anyway all I can do is just to live with it, can't I?

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Strong determination!

I had a nap for about 2 hours and I feel better. The Skype session has been postponed until 21st. So now I am going to do some share study. Gori and I have been working on sorting into watch lists, each and every share in the Australian Share Market based on their characteristics and prices. We gotta finish this off this weekend in order to start trading next Monday!!

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It tasted similar to mud cake.(1/14)

I was craving for something sweet, but there was nothing in the fridge or the pantry.. So I decided to rustle up some chocolate muffins that I made the other day. I measured up flours, sugar and cocoa and mixed them in a bowl. And then I found out that I was short of milk! So I racked my brain and used cream and an egg instead of milk. I was a bit worried about the result but it turned out to be better than I had expected! It's crunchy on the outside, nice and moist on the inside. It tasted similar to mud cake.

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I am knackered.(1/14)

Oh boy...I'm soooo tired. I even feel a bit lethargic...I need a cup of nice tea and maybe a relaxing foot bath too. Today is the English session day, I have to pull myself together.

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Hunger is the best sauce!

I am on my lunch break now. I made some toasted sandwiches for lunch. I put tomatoes, cheese and ham in them with some butter, a little bit of green tomato relish and Japanese mayo. They were soooo yummy! They felt so delicious because I ate lunch after I did a 45-minute walk on the treadmill. I was starving! Have you ever heard of this expression 'Hunger is the best sauce'? I think it's right!

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I am being pushed by time( again )

I overslept again this morning! That's because I couldn't get to sleep last night, either! I usually have a shower right before I go to bed. Last night I did the treadmill for 30 minutes right before I grabbed a shower and went straight to bed. I think walking on the treadmill before going to bed is a bad idea, because it makes your body so energized and makes your head so clear that you can't get a good night sleep!

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I am in a dilemma!

The next Skype English session is coming up in 2 days! I've been studying for it but I haven't done enough yet! I have to focus on it but I want to do the share study too! Oh~ I am in a dilemma! Anyway I have to get started! I will do my best!

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Gori is coming back today.

Gori is coming back today. I am thinking of baking his favourite rolled cake for him this afternoon. This time I definitely won't overcook!

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I couldn't get to sleep last night.(1/12)

Morning. I stayed up late last night working on making my original trading plan worksheet on Excel. It took me more than 3 hours to finish it, but I am very happy with the result. I've been studying share trading and have learned a lot. I've working on making my own rules based on my experiences (mainly failures^^;) and the knowledge I've gained. I feel that everything is coming together and it's very close to fall into place. I was so excited about it that I couldn't get to sleep last night. So I overslept this morning!

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Beef mince..

There is thawed beef mince in the fridge. I have to make a spaghetti sauce with it but I am very reluctant to do it because (as you may know) I am behind the schedule.. But I have to cook the mince today otherwise it will go bad. It's already turned grayish (×The colour of the mince has changed into grayish)and started to smell! I can't afford to waste it, can I?

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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Oops, time flies!

During my (×the) lunch break, I unintentionally had a look at Lang-8(×web site) and found an article written in Japanese and started correcting it. And before I knew it, almost an hour had passed! I hadn't even had lunch yet! I am now behind (×the) schedule. Anyway it's my fault. Maybe I should make some time for Lang-8 as well in my time table.

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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Paper trading

I was working on analysing the share trading chart until just now. Today I am doing some paper tradings, which are virtual tradings. One of the shares I'd planned to buy in advance has been virtually executed. I wonder how it will go. I am going to treadmill from now!

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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Yesterday was a good day.(1/11)

Morning. It's sunny and hot already! Yesterday I studied English for about two and half hours. That's less (×It's shorter) than the day before, (×that's) because I walked for 80 minutes (6 km) on treadmill and spent more time on analysing trading charts. And as you may know, I stuffed up the cake so I needed to spend extra time on it, too(^^;) Anyway, I will do my best today, too!

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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I had a quality time with Gori's mum.

I just got back from Gori's mum and dad's house. I am glad I asked his mum for help in terms of share trading. I learned a lot from her and spent a quality time with her. As for the muffins I'd made, they tasted alright. His dad has a sweet tooth so I left them for him. I hope he enjoys them.

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Ahchoo! ( Bless me!)

I've been sneezing and having a runny nose since yesterday! What's going on!??

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I screwed up the cake!

Oh boy, I baked the (×a)sponge cake a little too long and it turned out to be pretty tough.... It's not fluffy at all and tasted mediocre. I didn't want to take it to Gori's mum and dad's place! I wanted to bake it again but I didn't have enough eggs to bake another sponge! So now I am baking chocolate muffins, which are (×were) extremely easy to make. I hope they turn out to be yummy and they like them.

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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I'd better hurry!

I've done 3 km on the treadmill just now. I am going to have a quick shower, have lunch and bake a rolled cake for Gori's mum and dad. The next session on the time table starts at 1 o'clock so I'd better hurry!

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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I feel very indebted to her.

I've been studying share trading with a trading book for the last few days.There is some stuff I don't understand. Gori is not at home so I rang up his mum for (×a) help. She said she would be very busy this afternoon but she's kind enough to have squeezed me in her tight schedule. She is such a nice person. I feel very indebted to her.

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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My back is a bit tight.

My back is a bit tight. I'd better loosen it up. I should start having a foot bath again. It's very relaxing so I love it! OK, I will do it tonight.

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I studied for 5 hours yesterday! (1/10)

Morning.Well, I'm a bit tired this morning. I guess that's because I did treadmill last night. As for the rash, it looks OK, so I am happy. I am going to make a timetable again today, too. I studied English for 5 hours yesterday, including share study ( reading a share-trading book written in English). I wonder if I should incorporate walking into (×in) the time table today as well.

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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I've got bug bites everywhere.

Since it's been raining a lot, there are lots of bugs flying around the house at night, trying to get inside. Some of them are very small so they can squeeze into the room from the gaps between the doors and the floor. I have many bug bites on my arms and legs because of them, much better than the itchiness from the rash, though.

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3.5km on the treadmill

I walked for 3.5 km on the treadmill. It took 50 minutes. I'm relieved because I was able to walk without feeling any pain in my right side. I hope the rash won't get worse tomorrow.

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Gori's gone.

Gori's left for Brisbane to work. I am not sure exactly when he'll be back this time, maybe in the middle of the next week. I hope he brings back a lot of bacon!( LOL) OK, let's start the fifth session, which is English.

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Already for 150 minutes!

Thanks to my new time table study system, today I've already studied English for 150 minutes! Wow!

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The best curry!

I made Japanese curry this morning. I usually put pork and pork sausages in my curry, which I think is the best !! Secret ingredients of my curry is,,,milk, soy sauce, chili powder, brown sugar, salt and garlic powder. If you fry veggies for a long time before you add the meat, they will give your curry a lot more flavour and it makes your curry impeccable! I bet everyone rave about it!

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I've made a time table (1/9)

Morning. Today I am a bit more organised. I've made a time table, which includes English study and trading study, etc. One session is 50 minutes and there is also 10 minutes recess in between. So far, so good(^^)

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Long way to go?

I studied share trading by watching a DVD. There were some things I didn't know or I was iffy about. They haven't sunk in yet so I need to go through them a few more times. I'm sure if I master them, they will help me a lot.

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Where is my strong willpower?

I want to lose weight and become fit.. Having said that, I am eating my favorite chocolate now...I need to regain a strong willpower. But I love Cadbury's fruit and nuts milk chocolate!! I am so contradicted!

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Long time no see.

It's really good to have the sun outside! I've missed it for a long time.

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I've been watching the share market but I haven't made any action yet. That's mainly because I am expecting some books on trading to come from Japan, so I want to read them first before I make a move. But I also feel that I might be kind of chickening out.

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I am itching to do something.(1/8)

Morning. It's overcasting again this morning. The rash is almost dead. I am itching to do something. I studied English for about an hour yesterday. I read my tweets aloud many times and listened to Aussie podcasts. Today, I want to do some articles about pets, which is the theme of the next Discussion.

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I'm alone now.

Gori's gone to his parents' house to help his dad. Now I am alone. I should make the most of this free time until he comes back, shouldn't I? What can I do first? I feel like studying English. OK, that's it!

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Naughty Mick has done it again! He's chewed off the belt of the whipper-snipper! We have to fix it somehow...

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Lots to do.

I've done the housework. Today Gori and I have to go to town to get some groceries, pick up a parcel at the post office and chuck out the rubbish at the dump. Gori is going to Brisbane tomorrow to work so we gotta do these today, which is not so exciting.

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My English is getting rusty and crappy.

My English is getting rusty and crappy. That's because I've been letting my English study slide for a while. I've been writing English here but that's not enough. I need to listen to English intensively and practise Ondoku( reading English aloud.)

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Mick is disobedient.(1/7)

Morning. It's overcasting outside. Mick was barking in the driveway. I told him to come behind me but he didn't follow my command! He sometimes gets too worked up and becomes disobedient to me! I wonder when he will grow out of it..

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Bugs are annoying.

There are lots of tiny bugs flying around in the lounge room! They are annoying!

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It looked painful

Gori and I just came back from his mum and dad's house. He went there to pick up a whipper snipper( a grass cutter) and I went there to borrow trading DVDs from his mum. Seemed like his dad had hurt his back. He was pretending to be OK but it looked painful. I hope he gets better soon.

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Teeth problem

My silver filling has come off from my tooth! I was eating just chips, that's all! They're not sticky or anything but it just came off! Gori needs to fix his teeth, too. Now we both need to go to the dentist, which could cost us fortune....

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What's for lunch?

What's for lunch? But I am not hungry. Gori was eating some chips before so I guess he is not hungry, either. We can wait for a while.

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He is a typical Aussie!

As soon as he finished mowing, he went straight back on the couch! Cricket is back on TV and he is already glued to it! He is a typical Aussie! Anyway, The lawn looks great, so I will make an allowance for him.

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Cricket's lunch break

Finally, Gori has decided to make a move! Now he is mowing the lawn with his petrolic push mower. He mowed the lawn about a week ago but it 's been raining a lot since then so the lawn is jumping up and thriving now. Oh but hang on, now is the Cricket's lunch break!! That's why he's doing it!

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Oops, again!

Oops, again! The last tweet was longer than the previous ones! Maybe I should give myself some slack on it?

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He worked his fingers to the bone

Now that the rash is dying, I am getting more and more energetic and motivated. I feel like doing something, such as studying English or trading study but Gori has been watching TV again! So all these noise and stuff is distracting me and I can't bring myself to concentrate on doing what I want to do! I wish he was watching TV at his mum and dad's house but that's a bit self-centered idea, isn't it? After all He worked his fingers to the bone during the new year holiday.

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Oops, The last two tweets were pretty long, weren't they? I'd better keep my tweets short, otherwise there is no point having made this twitter blog!

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I'd better wait and see

Today's share market is kind of mixed. There are several stocks I have been keeping an eye on but they are not making any definite action at the moment. Overall share market has been going sideways for the last couple of months and I learned that it's difficult to make money in that kind of bearish situation. I wonder when it will start to pick up. Has it made a breakthrough yet? I doubt it. I'd better wait and see.

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My rash has finally started to settle down.(1/6)

Morning. It's raining today again! It's like a rainy season! But it's not as horrible as Japanese one because humidity is much milder here. Actually it's cool and nice. My rash has finally started to settle down. It's still itchy but I am very sure that it's losing its activeness.

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Sorry for the whinge

Why is my computer working so slowly? Is he sick? Seems to me that everything is going against me. Sorry for the whinge. I am now venting my frustration here by twittering.

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Oh, Crap!

I've been working on changing my Japanese blog's template for 2 hours or so. I found my favourite template and I was just about finished everything and guess what?? With one false click, I've lost the template and gone back to square one! I have to do it again from scratch! Oh, Crap!!!! I don't want to do it any more tonight. I'm sick of it!!!

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They mean business.

Mick is keeping coming inside. He wants to play with me. So does Ambi. Look at their faces. They mean business. They are itching to play with their balls! Today is Gori's turn, so wait for a while you guys!

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What should I do??

I'd love to change my Japanese blog's template to a new more exciting one but if I want to do that, I have to build the contents on the sidebar such as my profile, links and so on from scratch again, which is a real pain in the neck! What should I do??

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it's just a minor downside

I've finally settled down with this present template. I like it, but with this(×,) I can't rewrite an article as easily as the previous one. Having said that, it's just a minor downside, isn't it?

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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looking for a suitable template

Oh boy, I'm getting tired (×from) looking for a suitable template for my twitter blog. There are sooooo many candidates on this site which one of my blog mates recommended.

*This entry has been corrected by one of my lang-8 friends.

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Gori is now in bed

Gori is now in bed, having a kip.

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Twittering in English here (1/5)

I am going to twitter in English here from now on!

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