I am going to bake a cake for Gori's hardwork.(5/5)
Hello, everyone. My stomach is not still 100%. I had some hard jubes last night and then I had trouble sleeping because I had a funny pain in my stomach. I don't feel appetite for some reason but I try to eat because I feel lethargic without it, don't I? By the way, Gori has been working on building a new veggie patch for me. It's very nice of him to do that. I want to grow some veggies there. To repay his kindness, I am going to bake a chocolate cake for him with extra chocolate flakes. I am short of vegetable oil so I will use butter instead. I hope it turns out OK.
Hi there!
How are you and How's your veggie patch coming along?
I personally find growing veggie super hard.
So far there are capsicum, spinach, silver beetroot, rockets, etc in my veggie patch, but they're not doing too well.
This summer I harvested one capsicum, perhaps about 10 grape tomatoes. Actually spinach & silver beetroot look alright.
However my rocket plants got all eaten by the bloody catapillers! :..(
Any advice?
Dear Fumin san
Hello! I am terrible sorry for my extremely late reply.
Gori and I have got a small veggie patch in the corner of the front garden and we grow some herbs (such as rosemary, parsley and basil ) and ヘラピーニョ(I cant spell it ^^;) They are all thriving but having said that, I don't use them very often, especially ヘラピーニョ(very hot chili ). My boyfriend bought the seedling but I don't know why he got it(^^;) It is so spicy that it could make you sick, you know! And he knew that I don't like it because every time we go to Subway, I always ask the staff not to put any ヘラピーニョinto my sub!
We've got a backyard too, which is a mess (^^;) We have some eggplants and pumpkins coming up soon. They are very strong plants!
Speaking of rocket, I have grown it too. I loved it! I like it in salad, it gives your salad a bit of a kick, doesn't it? I was fond of it until our bloody chooks found it and ate it all! Your rocket was eaten by caterpillars? Our plants have never been eaten by caterpillars. Do you use any pesticides when you grow veggies? We don't, but the tomatoes we grew 2 years ago were eaten by some bugs and of course, the chooks(^^;)
I was thinking of doing some serious veggie patch project but things have come up and Gori and I might ( probably will) move to Brisbane in July or August. So I am not so keen on the project at the moment but when we have settled down, I will definitely grow something.